In the summer of 1995, I was asked to come into the Priesthood.
That was a bit of a stretch for me. Could I do something like that? Yes, but…. was I willing to change my life to the point “I thought” a Priesthood member should be.
The answer was no. But it was also “No” because I had lost confidence in the humans running the church and the decisions they were making. By the way, I never say I have “faith” in another human being; I say I have confidence.
Do I really need a Priesthood card to make a difference in the world?
At that point, I had already learned what happens when religion changes its fundamental beliefs, and you lose your Priesthood “card.”
So, the idea that another human being gives me something and then politically takes it away was unappealing. So, no, I don’t think this is going to work for me.
After all the years of sitting in the last pew or one of the last pews in church, listening to hours of sermons, I knew that the direction the church had taken was one that I could not follow. It had become watered down. I could get that on any corner.
Many people have beautiful stories, spiritual gifts, and testimonies that some in the Priesthood admittedly never experienced.
Remember what Christ said to the Apostles who reported others casting out demons in the name of the Lord?
The image used in this blog post, at the top of the page, reminds me of the following scripture.
“We are grass that will wither and die, but the incorruptible seed of God’s Word will live forever – sow it daily into the life of your family! (1 Peter 1: 23 – 25).
The Back Story
Some of you reading this are thinking, “man, that church must have been desperate.” And I agree.
I was heading toward 40 years old that year. I still had a bit of a wild streak in me, which by the way, didn’t slow down at all until I was around 50…+
The idea of being something or the idea of not being “me” with all my flaws was something I did not want.
I wanted to be me and say what I had to say or share what I must share. And not be censored.
Or told to speak on a topic that I wasn’t moved to talk about that Sunday. Or talk about an issue “commanded by a human on high” for political reasons.
I wanted to continue believing what I believed, even if the church changed its beliefs. But, I had already learned it doesn’t work that way. It’s our way or the Highway. And your Priesthood card is taken away.
So, I decided the Highway would be a better fit.
What to Write About? Writing Prompts
I never advocate not going to church. There are a lot of great churches, good ministry, and, best of all, community.
Children learn the benefits of a community and a message that is sustained for a lifetime.
This is my story on being called into the Priesthood.
- What is your story on your church experience?
- Something positive you gained because of the experience?
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